As updates take place, this site will concentrate solely on thoroughbred/harness/greyhound racing betting

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WARNING!!! Avoid these UK bookmakers that Close/Restrict accounts

A good ending to the UNiTAB debacle

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Links To All Major Betting Sites

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UK/Ireland Betting Sites
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Bookmakers Percentages Table (A Must Have For All Punters)

Parlay (All-Up, Combo, Multi) Betting (Why You Shouldn't)

Slots, Poker Machines, Gaming Device Hidden Rip Offs

Betting Systems and Touts (What's The Catch?)

 A Bit About The Author (Who Cares, You Say!)

All the form for Australian racing through this WATAB TABform source still free to those that create an account
U.S. betting information includes approximates, payouts, morning line, and more
  A one stop site for all the information you would need for Australian racing. Much is free, while the remainder is very reasonably priced.

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